Saturday, January 23, 2010

Msn Adress For Dirty Sluts On Cam Someone Has Added My Msn Email Adress To A Dirty Chat Site?

Someone has added my msn email adress to a dirty chat site? - msn adress for dirty sluts on cam

I do not know who. I know it was not my friends. I discuss website is a very dirty, and I'm still rare, a total of adding me on msn saying things like "the fantasy of a good time" or "You're hot," Ignore them all. But the problem is that there is no way my e-mails from this website or by contacting the delete operator.

What should I do?


sewrobb said...

The truth is that anyone who knows your e-mail can be added. Even sites that can be transmitted.

All you can do is change your e-mail address, as it may seem inconvenient.

I have a hairy big toe said...

In general, in places such as the addresses of frequently used most frequently listed first for everything, you're not on the website, the address will move slowly downwards. Even in some places after a certain period of disuse is deleted. Because I think I should not accept all on msn, if you know what they are. What is the website? Maybe you could take to the details for you or something.

mandyxxx... said...

This happened to me, including myself, as I said delete, then. This keeps your own list online and can not talk to you. Worked for me ... at least not dirty lesbian site OT is not good for them to add to her boyfriend ... : S

Richard M said...

Someone began to share my msn earlier. I can only recommend to do, what I did. Create an account and add that you gave to your MSN. Or the friends you know in real life.

And do not achieve this in any way with your msn internet. Thats how things happen like this = D

josh said...

Perhaps MSN is there a way to block something from this site to be addressed, e-mail from MSN and know

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