Monday, January 25, 2010

Malignant Melanoma More Condition_symptoms Why Do Health Insurance Companies Deny Life Ins Coverage To People Who Have A History Of Malignant Melanoma's?

Why do health insurance companies deny life ins coverage to people who have a history of malignant melanoma's? - malignant melanoma more condition_symptoms

I simply refused to cover life insurance, as is the history of malignant melanoma 10 years, 2 = squamous cell carcinoma 5 years and 3 dysplastic nevi removed 6 months ago by my dermatologist. I have skin exams every time I something suspicious. I take all the necessary precasions. I'm almost 45 years old, light skin color, and a woman.


mbrcatz said...

Now there are two answers. Find default rates. Once you enjoy a melanoma, and non-standard offerings - the chances are much higher that you do not live as long as someone who had a melanoma.

The second answer is, if the price does not matter, you can buy life insurance. You should talk to an officer at a high risk of living in your area. You pay a high price - perhaps close to the value of payment entitlements.

Chaz o said...

Show ""...... Sicko

ABSINSUR... said...

Melanoma skin cancers can be linked. that's why.
The most important advice: Do not try to mind about life insurance. Application Specialist life insurance and be able to get a life insurance policy with a history of melanoma.
You will be assessed at the level of increased risk, but you can get.
Good luck to you

RobinM said...

because the insurance companies have no soul!

Clarifin... said...

The reason is because the companies think of life insurance that their future risk of malignant skin cancer is higher than the average population. The best deal that you could make your story, you get mentioned, is standard. Do you work with an independent insurance broker with experience in the life insurance business like yours. Not all companies see the same risk in the same way. Put your policy with the right company is important.

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