Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Capsaicin More Drug_uses How Do You Get Rid Of The Burn From Capsaicin?

How do you get rid of the burn from capsaicin? - capsaicin more drug_uses

I woke up this morning with a sore leg so I decided to capsaicin in him to grind. I went a little crazy with it as it also as a lotion. Used before and I Should Have Known Better, but the return on pages 20/20. My legs feel like meat disperse. I've tried to wash the fruit, but it does not help. So far, the only relief I could get to pour cold water on his leg, but that only helps for a few seconds. At this stage, I dance naked in the rain to silence him. So his advice would be very grateful.


lestermo... said...

The naked dance party sounds good to me so I can see, but to their real problem, the milk is usually the bite of pepper is burning. Water, as you have noticed, not for them. Try some milk bath, or place it in a cloth and wrap it around the area.

nurseflo... said...

tasted alcohol, l it worked for me. can cause burns sooo angry, but give it a try. The next time, with a plastic spoon, back and apply to add something to a region. In this way, your hands, you do not have to burn it and then not capsaicin in your eyes. Hey, I learned the hard too.goodluck;) Michele

MJ3000 said...

The milk base or something that can help instead of acid.

Aussie Nurse said...

The sugar can help

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