Monday, February 8, 2010

Murmurs And Celiac Can A Heart Murmur Lead To Diabetes And The Celiac Disease?

Can a Heart Murmur lead to Diabetes and the Celiac Disease? - murmurs and celiac

Celiac disease is when the body is sensitive to gluten, rye, wheat. If the adhesive molecule is associated with antibodies in the small intestine. Then the lining of the intestine leads to smooth, which then means that your inability to digest and absorb food.
A heart murmur is when an irregular heartbeat (like me) and can be fatal.


Sunny said...

Heart murmurs are common and do not worry if your doctor says, there are concerns. Diabetes can the probability and if not always, because the exercise of a heart murmur, but the report did not directly cause. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease, and I do not think that it is possible to heart sounds in context. Heart murmurs are actually not only the irregularities of the rhythm, hear the extra or unusual during the heartbeat. Irregular heartbeat is an arrhythmia, which can certainly be a concern. Again, the risk that the exercise is difficult because you do not want is that your heart rate to obtain because of the high risks and are more likely to have diabetes if they eat well and exercise.

Matt Riggin said...

Well, if you had a heart murmur, I shall not fear other diseases, if you develop a heart murmur is likely to die within a few years ..... God, sorry: (

justmein... said...

Heart murmurs are many children - and not cause a problem ---- If you do not - many are curable

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